I'm back from girls camp! :) And it was a great experience! 

And, since all of THAT'S over, I actually get to take a long, hot shower, and sleep in a comfy, warm bed! :P Instead of freezing my tushie off in a sleeping bag with a broken zipper at 1:00 AM in a filthy tent with squashed bugs on the "ceiling." :/ That was the only bad thing... That I can think of right now...

The rest of it was very... Um...

 I guess there isn't a real word to describe it I guess... :P It was...


OK I honestly can't think of something that sums up kinda entertaining, boring-ish, bugged-out, in-ways-kinda-creepy, creative, organized, funnnnn, and... CRAZY!

Well, maybe there are a couple words.





There we go. Free.


Free...Tastical! :D Alright, I'll stop.

Shout out to the BEST CAMP LEADER EVER!!! Sierra, you rock! :) You made everything SOOOO much more fun and hilarious! You were the youngest, funniest, GG (girls guide) there! Thank you! I love you! XOXO

(Haha awkward... XP) Well, thanks for visiting my site guys! I'm glad you still enjoy stopping by!

I know this is a reeeeeeeally long-ish post, but that means theres

If you haven't already signed up for the weekly newsletter, go to the "Comments" page and sign up now! :D (please? Haha) 

Why should you sign up? Well.... If you sign up you'll find out! ;P Hahahaha! I'm joking!

But, seriously, there's no harm in trying! If you get the weekly newsletter but don't want to receive it, please tell me in the "Comments" page! (And please include your name and email address!) :)
I'm on the computer again updating my crazy website! :) And today I'm excited 'cause I'm gonna be hanging out with a friend! :D Not the same one in the last post. Apparently THAT friend wasn't able to make it at the last minute... :/

Anyway... Hi. :D

Girl's Camp is coming up... And I keep hearing only good things about it! :) Kinda like my EFT Trip...

So why am I dreading the whole experience?

Oh yeah... I'm gonna be with girls who JUST got into young womens... Woo hoo. X(

I usually don't like girls like that, mainly because they think they're so cool. :P Ugh. They try to act all cool and nice and friendly... But when you say ONE thing and they misinterpret that... They become your enemy AUTOMATICALLY! EVen if they go to your church! D:

They change into a whole new kind of person! Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! It's not pretty... AT ALL. DX

Please help me. :(
I looked at the other blog/chat room posts... Almost all of us were kinda young then... :P 

And all of my posts seem reeeeeeeeeally stupid. X(

Anyway... My lil bro and Dad just got back from their own little camping trip. :) And a friend of mine is coming over today! :D Hooray! I just seriously hope that a couple people (that I know) will visit this site again. It use to be popular when I was "little... er..." but ever since I haven't updated my stuff, things have been... BORING! ;P

So, if you haven't got the hint, please leave a sweet comment so I at least know this isn't a ghost site. :) Thank you.
That's what Minnie Mouse says to Mickey. And that's what I'm saying to you! 

By the way... What have you been doing this summer? :)

Oh, really? That's cool.

Me? My summer's been pretty low-key. But, I have something to ask you... Could you please


No, seriously, leave a comment. That's what nice people do. (Hahahahaha. Funny.) ;)