Happy (late) 11-11-11! It won't happen again for another 100 years!

When I was in my acc reading class, everyone would stare at the clock and wait for it to turn to 11:11 so we could all make a wish! :)

And, yesterday, I went to my friend, Mackenzie's, house! I got to watch "Mamma Mia," (OMGG you have NO idea how long I've wanted to watch that movie!!) sing along really loud with all the songs, (Cuz, let's face it, ABBA is freakin epic.) eat some type of cheesy-buffalo-sauce-dip with triscuits, and play about 50-million songs on "Just Dance"!

Talk about a way to spend the day! ;)

So, I added a few more graphics to page 3 of "Guess what the heck I'm talking about cuz I talk about it all the time"! :)

See ya l8r!
11/12/2011 06:59:02 am

Yeah, 11-11-11 is EPIC. Hallie and I were "uninvited" to this AMAZING party, so we spent the day having our own little party with our own cute dresses and make-up and hair, and Hallie said "Ya' know, this was probably even better than whatever they're doing!". There was supposed to be a chocolate fountain, dessert tray, and the girls wore these AMAZING dresses and the guys were in tuxes, and there was supposed to be a white limo (but it was only a hummer stretch- ha!). So, yeah, I'm still venting over that...
-Kate :)


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